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Liverpool Central Station

CREATING CLARITY… Last project.  It’s really gratifying when your design makes an enormous difference, Liverpool Central Station, the busiest subsurface station in Liverpool with 16m passengers a year, here are some of our scheme stats, not easy given the site was landlocked, a live railway below restricting structures and the air-rights sold off.  But we managed a 42% bigger concourse, 45% more ticket gates, new 240sqm convenience store and ticket shop, 320% more daylight, 90% more public toilets, plus 650sqm modular staff offices and it met BREEAM Very Good.  The original station was difficult to navigate with multiple entrances, a bright yellow orientation wall in MerseyRail colours was added, split gate-lines helped control crowding with dedicated in and out routes, we formed clear sight lines to all egress points, there is a natural order to the passengers process, with maximum exposure to the retail unit.

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